Ask SIFTW: Switching from 2 to 1 nap

Our lovely friend Kirsty writes:

I tried to find some posts about the 2-1 nap switcheroo. I  couldn’t find any.  Do you recall any such posts? My son is starting to fight nap time and I think he might be getting ready for one nap. Since its not going so well, I’d love to hear any tips or advice.

I don’t recall any such posts, but I do recall the switcheroo. There is a time when kids seem to need more than 1 nap a day and less than 2. And that obviously causes problems for all parties concerned. Parents do not know when the kid wants to sleep. The kid cannot make it sanely through the day on one nap, but can barely seem to fit in two.

Sometimes it might work to bring their bedtime forward to even 6pm or so, so they can have their early nap and try and get through the afternoon. The other possibility is for them to have their early nap, then have a short 1/2 hour rest in the afternoon to get through. Rest assured they will grow into the one nap though in time. And then eventually they will grow out of the one nap, which is when as a parent you really start to get nervous!

PS. I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up with your emails as well as I should be, but I’m doing my best to catch up this week (as long as nap times co-operate!)

One Response to Ask SIFTW: Switching from 2 to 1 nap

  1. Kirsty says:

    Stinx finally switched to one nap about a month ago! And it seemed to happen accidently. I had tried to put him down for his am nap before church but he wouldn’t have it. So we took him to the church nursery where he played happily. Then we got home, gave him lunch and he had the longest nap ever! it was a mircale! And basically from that day he was on one nap! And thankfully, since then, he’s been sleeping really well (besides those awful molars coming in).

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